National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Right now, at 7:00p.m., I am choosing to remember all the little angels who have slipped away from us. I am choosing to honor their families and support them as they grieve the loss of their infants, the loss of their hopes and dreams. (Click here for a YouTube Video of a flickering flame if you don’t want to light a real candle for whatever reason)

In recognition of this day, I’d like to share a story with you. I found this at The Shape of a Mother blog. If you’re not familiar with this blog, the author encourages women to share photos of their bodies during and after pregnancy. It’s a beautiful site designed to help women grow confident in their mothering bodies. There is nudity though but is necessary to truly capture the glow of a mother.(This particular story also features pictures of her newborn daughter, who only lived for 10 minutes after birth)

This particular story is entitled “Missing my darling daughter, 15.5 weeks postpartum.” This mother lost her daughter when she experienced complications during pregnancy and ended up delivering nearly 8 weeks early. Her story is a brave and important one, especially today. Click here to read the story.

Please light a candle at 7:00 p.m. no matter your time zone in remembrance of those who have been lost during pregnancy or shortly thereafter.

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